Which Products Are Right For You?
Functional Conditions
- Chronic pain such as complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), fibromyalgia, etc.
- Cyclic vomiting syndrome (CVS) including complicated or atypical migraine
- Chronic fatigue
- Complex dysautonomia, including POTS

Neuro-Developmental Conditions
- Autism spectrum disorders
- Intellectual disability/developmental delay
- Epilepsy
- ADD/ADHD: Severe
Also Consider

Neuro-Psychiatric Conditions
- Anxiety (including difficulty getting to sleep)
Also Consider

- Executive dysfunction (help with focus & attention)
- Booster Bundle: EnergyNeeds PLUS QNeeds
- Brain Bundle: EnergyNeeds or SpectrumNeeds (specify which one on ordering), PLUS QNeeds, PLUS OmegaNeeds
- Flavor Saver Bundle: 2 SpectrumNeeds (select flavor when ordering), PLUS 2 QNeeds
- Mitochondrial Cocktails: EnergyNeeds is recommended in those able and willing to swallow capsules, otherwise SpectrumNeeds
- QNEEDS: Coenzyme Q10 in the ubiquinol form
- Omega Needs: Omega3s + Phospholipids naturally obtained from krill oil
- CalmNeeds: Inhibitory neurotransmission support
- FocusNeeds: Inattention and focus support
- Magnesium: Not sold by NeuroNeeds. Dose is dependent on many factors, but 125 mg of magnesium citrate twice daily is often recommended after age 12 years.
Always discuss all treatment changes with your physician, including natural products such as the ones above, especially if you have a medical diagnosis or are on prescription medications.