What is myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS)*?
One relatively-common cause of severe, chronic fatigue is myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS). In ME/CFS, fatigue is:
- Overwhelming: leading to various degrees of disability
- Post-exertional: worsened after any activity. Whether physical or mental
- Non-refreshed: not improved by rest/sleep
- Loss of concentration, poor memory, and/or difficulty in thinking, and is often referred to as “brain fog”
- Pain (especially in the muscles and joints), dizziness (especially on standing), and troubled sleep.
What Causes ME/CFS?
The short answer is that the cause is unknown. However, substantial evidence suggests that the following concepts are involved in ME/CFS:
- Energy metabolism: Including mitochondrial dysfunction, impaired ability to generate ATP, redox imbalance, and a general hypometabolic state.
- Immune system: Including systemic inflammation, neuroinflammation, reduced natural killer (NK) cell function, and aberrant response to viral/bacterial infections.
When ME/CFS is associated with Mitochondrial
Dysfunction and Pathway Imbalances, can Dietary
Supplementation provide help?

Multiple studies have shown that ME/CFS is often associated with Mitochondrial Dysfunction and various Pathway Imbalances.To learn about these pathway imbalances, please see https://www.neuroneeds.com/autism-is-genetic-autism-is-treatable-these-statements-are-not-in-conflict/. In this instance, dietary supplementation can be of great assistance in dealing with the day to day symptoms of ME/CFS.
Dr. Richard G. Boles is a geneticist who has been treating ME/CFS for over 25 years. He recently sequenced all of the DNA (whole genome sequencing WGS) in 18 of his patients with ME/CFS, revealing ion channels and energy metabolism as an important cause in most. This has direct ramifications in treatment. Click here to see a summary. Dr. Boles is the Medical & Scientific Director and a founder of NeuroNeeds®.
Spectrum Needs® (powder) and EnergyNeeds® (capsules) are high-powered mitochondrial supplements designed by a collaborative of prominent physicians and scientists. They are often used to optimize nutrition for a wide range of disorders associated with mitochondrial ion channel dysfunction, and inflammation.
The Case for Ubiquinol/Coenzyme Q10 and Omega-3 Fatty Acids in ME/CFS®

Omega-3 fatty acids are low in people with ME/CFS: PMID: 14744043. PMID: 30471769.
Many chronic conditions, especially those involving mitochondrial function, can increase the body’s demand for coenzyme Q10 (coQ10), leading to deficiency PMID: 2712S909.

SpectrumNeeds – (powdered form) containing 33 active ingredients includes a robust mitochondrial cocktail, ingredients to address the other pathways, and additional nutrients to constitute a high-powered multi-vitamin and multi-mineral supplement.

EnergyNeeds – (capsule form) containing 40 active
ingredients includes a robust mitochondrial
cocktail, ingredients to address the other
pathways, and additional nutrients to
constitute a high-powered multi-vitamin
and multi-mineral supplement.
*Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.