
Eleuthero root contains unique compounds and has been used in Chinese traditional medicine for thousands of years as an herbal remedy. A common traditional use is as an adaptogen to cope with stress, increase endurance, and improve memory. Additional applications are to boost immunity (such as for the common cold), reduce fatigue, enhance endurance capacity, improve cardiovascular function, and alter metabolic functions. Side effects are unlikely at the moderate doses used in ActivNeeds.

Eleuthero in ActivNeeds

Eleuthero (Eleutherococcus senticosus) root is added due to its traditional applications in memory and endurance.

Eleuthero (Siberian Ginseng) is a small, woody shrub native to Northeastern Asia. Extracts of its root is used in Chinese traditional medicine for thousands of years as an herbal remedy.

Eleuthero contains unique compounds “eleutherosides”, as well as many compounds that might be beneficial such as triterpene saponins. Eleuthero has antioxidant properties and is sometimes taken by athletes.

Eleuthero is most often used in traditional medicine as an adaptogen to cope with stress, increase endurance, and improve memory. Another traditional application is to boost immunity, such as for the common cold. One small study suggested an improvement in cancer-related fatigue [https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/10.1089/pmr.2024.0041]. Regarding metabolic effects, eleuthero may “enhance endurance capacity, improve cardiovascular function, and alter metabolic functions (e.g., increased fat utilization). [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7669464/]”

In general, Eleuthero is well tolerated. Higher dosages may lead to diarrhea, abdominal discomfort, and headache. Eleuthero may increase blood pressure, increase bleeding and increase blood sugar. Side effects are unlikely in the moderate dosing present in ActivNeeds.

How and Why Eleuthero Is Used in ActivNeeds

Eleuthero is added to ActivNeeds due to its traditional applications in memory and endurance. Side effects are unexpected at the doses used in ActivNeeds.

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